Saturday, October 22, 2011

Picking on Those Who Served?

For 21 years 6 months and 3 days I gave up many of my rights
– when national disaster struck I was called to serve others while my family
had to fend for themselves – I missed Christmas’ with my family, countless
birthdays, graduations, weddings, births, and funerals. For 21 years 6 months,
and 3 days I worked for pay that was considered below the national poverty
level, my family was eligible for food stamps for more than half of my military
career. I worked days-on-end without a break, without sleep, and without
weekends….. For 21 years 6 months, and 3 days – I lived where I was told to
live, I moved when I was told to move, I spent years away from my family, I ate
things some would not feed their animals. I was given experimental vaccines and
had no right to refuse, I was subjected to chemicals, and radiation some would
consider a health hazard. I comforted a crying wife over the phone because I
couldn’t be there to hold her, I slept on the ground or propped up against a
tree, I relieved myself in a hole in the ground. I sat in a bunker as enemy
missiles screamed overhead, people tried to kill me frequently because of the
uniform I wore. My children grew up surrounded by men with machine guns who
were there to protect them. While my friends back home bought houses, invested
in education, and live a life, I chose to serve my country. I am not bitter over opportunities lost, over time lost, or over the stability that civilian life afforded. I was and am proud that I served my country, served during Vietnam, serving for more than a year during combat operations in Iraq, coming to the aid of civilians during floods in Colorado, Earthquakes in Southern California, and Hurricanes in South Carolina. I am not bitter that my wife was afraid to answer a phone for more than a year of her life for fear of what she would be told. I wouldn’t trade a single minute of a single day. Why, because if I hadn’t served someone else would have to serve in my place. I didn’t ask for parades, medals, certificates, or national holidays to celebrate my sacrifices because others in uniform sacrificed even more. My country promised me a few basics if I served – low pay but pay for life if I gave the bulk of my youth and vigor to defending my country. Medical care for life because a military career takes a toll on a person’s health, a good education after my service and sacrifice were no longer needed and a small piece of dirt where I could rest with my wife after this life on earth is over.
Yesterday, while refusing to consider a 1% tax increase for the richest
people in the world, yesterday Republicans and a few democrats on the armed
services committee voted to reduce entitlements to military retirees. Firstly,
I am not entitled to anything – I earned those benefits - . Sen. John McCain
led his committee to vote for increases in what we pay for healthcare, for
prescriptions, and to reduce veteran’s benefits. I know we are in a tough time
in this country and once again I am willing to sacrifice for the good of my
country but why are the middle classes the only ones doing the sacrificing? Why
pick on those who have served, and protected this country? I am at a loss as to
where our country is heading. I don’t give a damn if you are a democrat or a
republican…… making military retirees pay the price so lobbyists and the rich
can pay less is simply wrong!!!!!! Please raise hell and let your congressman
hear your voices……..

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